At the Mizpah Seventh-day Adventist Church, the young people and children can find a place to grow in God, fellowship, and display their talents through the Adventist Youth Society (AYS). AYS promotes both spiritual and social well-being. The youth enjoys games and are able to display their talent through social engagement and ministry. Each year our young people look forward to outdoor activities, witnessing by participating in community events, and participating in our very gifted and talented Youth Choir. Our teenagers come together for bible study where they get to learn more about God in a practical manner. Please stop by to see our youth in action! Provides big answers for little people from the Bible. A safe place for kids to find Bible answers to their questions, character building stories, games, puzzles and more.
My Place With Jesus A brand new interactive online bible study series, soon to be launched by It Is Written television program. Go to the website and sign-up to be notified as soon as it launches.